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Democ­racy appears to be in crisis, the era of post-democ­racy has already dawned. The symp­toms are mani­fold: populist leaders, fake news, auto­cratic back­lash, total­i­tarian propa­ganda, and neolib­er­alism. For some time, however, society has also been expe­ri­encing the path of the art’s return to the polit­ical—a re-politi­ciza­tion is palpable. Images of demon­stra­tions in the media have shaped public percep­tion in recent years: waving flags, posters, or banners on streets and squares, at the Women’s March, in anti-Brexit campaigns, or in Occupy actions. There have been renewed waves of protest relating to very diverse contexts, coun­tries, and polit­ical systems. This has affected artists as well. They create works that they regard as instru­ments of critique and explic­itly moti­vated by poli­tics.